We are pleased to announce that Shwedel Dental now has the latest technology in the battle against tooth decay. The early cavity detection device is called SPECTRA and uses technology similar to Doppler Radar. It gives us the ability to evaluate all surfaces of your teeth. While traditional technology allows us to evaluate only the deep pits and grooves, SPECTRA also check along the margins of old restorations and crowns for new or recurrent decay.
Spectra displays colored images on the computer screen so you will be able to see for yourself what is happening. Each color corresponds to differing degrees of decay:
v A green image means the enamel is sound and there is no decay. For teeth that display only green or sound enamel, we strongly recommend that you have sealants, which will seal off the deep pits and groove in hope of preventing future decay.
v A blue image means decay is in the beginning stages (de-mineralization has begun) and we recommend that you begin using a fluoride supplement, such as Prevident Rinse or MI Paste to help remineralize the teeth.
v A red image means there is deep decay in the enamel, an orange image means deep decay through the enamel and into the dentin (the second layer of tooth), a yellow image means deep decay into the dentin. For teeth that display red, orange and/or yellow images, we recommend that you have the areas of decay removed and new restoration placed.
At Shwedel Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, it is our goal to keep your mouth healthy and your smile beautiful. Any questions? Call us at #313-292-5590 or visit our website http://www.shwedeldental.com/
We look forward to showing you how SPECTRA can help in your fight against tooth decay.