Monday, December 27, 2010

Tired Of New Year’s Resolutions? Read This!!!

As 2011 approaches, everyone is busy making their New Year’s resolutions that will be forgotten by the time February comes along.
That is why we are glad to present to you a list of a different kind – our top six “2011 New Year’s Denta-Lutions!” They are fun, important, and will help you to have a happy and healthy year!
  • Get Rid Of That Ugly Thing!
Most people keep toothbrushes around way too long. Not only do they become loaded with bacteria and other junk, the bristles simply wear out and do not do an effective job of cleaning your teeth. The American Dental Association recommends a new toothbrush at least every three months, and we agree! If the bristles begin to fray or splay before that, you are probably brushing way too hard.  We will be glad to show you how to brush correctly!
  • What Is That Stuff?
It comes in a small plastic box, it’s very thin, and sometimes it’s used to hang pictures. Yes – it’s called dental floss, and we know that chances are you don’t use it on a regular basis. But flossing is the best way to remove plaque, bacteria and particles from between your teeth as well as cleaning areas of your gums that can’t otherwise be reached. The fact is, if you aren’t flossing every day, there is gross stuff growing in your mouth.  If you would like some instruction on proper flossing technique (it’s easy once you know how!) and some encouragement, just let us know.
  • There’s Blood Coming Out Of My WHAT?
If your eyes were bleeding or blood was coming out of your backside, you would certainly see a doctor immediately. Well, the same is true with your gums. Brushing or flossing should not cause your gums to bleed at all. If your gums do bleed or if you see pink or red when you rinse, your gums are infected. Don’t put it off – call us right away!
  • Get Off Your Butt
As if you didn’t need another reason to quit smoking – tobacco products are a leading cause of oral cancer, a deadly disease which kills roughly one person per hour, twenty four hours per day. Make 2011 the year you finally kick this smelly, dirty, disgusting and deadly habit. Your loved ones will thank you to no end!!
  • Don’t Stand So Close To Me!
Maybe you have bad breath and are too embarrassed to do anything about it. Or maybe you find yourself constantly reaching for mints and gum because people seem to be always backing off when you speak. Don’t be ashamed – we are here to help! Bad breath frequently has dental causes – many of them long term conditions that are very dangerous to your health (as well as your friendships). Please don’t be embarrassed – talk to us! We are here to help!
  • Tell Your Friends!
At Shwedel Family Dentistry, we are fortunate to have a great practice and enjoy providing our patients with the best quality dental care possible. But we will always welcome your family, friends, co-workers or anyone else who would like to experience the great things we have to offer.  Please have them give us a call at 313-292-5590. You’ll be giving them the best gift of all – the gift of health!
We hope that this list of New Year’s “Denta-Lutions” was helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, please drop us a line at or call us at 313-292-5590. You also visit us at  May “2011” be your best year yet!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Is Scarier Than You Think!

Any day now we’ll be putting on funny costumes, acting a little crazy and eating all kinds of stuff that we shouldn’t. And that’s just the adults! For kids, Halloween can be a fantastic time to have fun and be creative. But unfortunately when all those sticky sugary candies are involved, it can be a dental disaster.

The good news is, Halloween and dental health can mix if you just take a few simple precautions. Here are our suggestions to make Halloween 2010 a success without the cavities!

Let you kids know that even though they may come home with a sack full of goodies, there still are some rules to let them both enjoy the treats and keep their bodies healthy.

1.  Don’t allow them to overeat. A few pieces of candy each day for a few days is much better than an all-out engorgement. And if they bring home hundreds of pieces, everyone can feel good about donating much of it to a local food bank.

2.  Avoid the really “sticky” stuff like taffy and caramel corn. This is difficult to remove from the tooth surfaces and can actually damage teeth permanently.

3.  Make sure that your kids are brushing three times per day for at least one minute per session. Before bed and after eating candy are “must-brush” times.

4.  Encourage flossing to remove the sticky stuff from between the teeth. If you or your kids aren’t sure how to properly floss, we will gladly give you a lesson! It’s very easy to do once you know how.

5.  Have your kids use a fluoride rinse before bedtime. If you’re not sure which is the right one for your child’s age, please ask us.

6.  If your children will be eating candy as they are out trick-or-treating, make sure that they take a small bottle or container of water with them. Rinsing and swishing or even taking small sips of water right after eating candy can prevent things from sticking.

Have you considered taking a different route than giving out traditional candy when your doorbell rings? Not only will you differentiate yourself from everyone else on the block, you will be helping your community’s dental heath! Here are a few suggestions for things to give out other than candy:
  • Sugar-free gum
  • Vampire teeth
  • Halloween stickers
  • Party favor sunglasses
  • Small cans of PlayDoh
  • Noisemakers
  • Pencils with Halloween erasers
  • Halloween bouncy balls
  • Temporary tattoos
  • Small bottles of bubbles
Be creative! The “Dollar Store” is typically full of fun stuff that kids will love without rotting their teeth.

So have fun, enjoy this great time with your family, and do something scary – as long as it doesn’t involve giving kid’s cavities!!

At Shwedel Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we want to help you keep your teeth or your children’s teeth healthy during Halloween or any other time. If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at 313-292-5590. We’re here to help you!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dentistry From the Heart was Huge Success, AGAIN!!!

Shwedel Dental, in Taylor, Michigan, held their 2nd Annual Dentistry From the Heart event on Saturday, September 25, 2010.  Dr. Steven Shwedel and his team of 40+ volunteers, including Dr. Caroline Okonkowski, Dr. Scott Shwedel, Dr. Robert Antolak and Oral Surgeon Dr. Paul Ho, provided FREE dentistry to 130 people in need.  Each person received a filling or an extraction or a cleaning.  In total, almost $32,000 in dental services were performed between 8:00am and 5:00pm. 

“As a growing number of Americans are out of a job or just don’t have dental insurance, we felt this was a great way to help address the problem and to give back to the community,” said Dr. Shwedel.

Dentistry From the Heart is a non-profit organization with a simple mission – making people smile.  “Believe me, the smiles and thanks we received from all the people we treated made the long hours and hard work one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives,” said Dr. Shwedel.

Thanks and appreciation goes to all the businesses and groups that through their generous donations helped us make this event so successful.  Benco Dental Supply, Crest/Oral B, City of Taylor DPW and Parks & Rec., Olson’s Rental, Acee Deucee and the Taylor Rotary as well as Texas Roadhouse and American Pie Pizza Buffet for providing food for the patients as well as the volunteers.

Dr. Shwedel and his volunteers have already marked their calendars in anticipation of their third annual Dentistry From the Heart event to be held on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011.